
Keeping in touch with nature

Keeping in touch with nature! The KidsMWA group braved the weather and went to Riverside country park last Sunday. It…

Stall in the new Street Angels building

📣 🌟 📣 🌟 📣 🌟 📣 🌟 📣 ‎بِسْمِ ٱللّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ‎ In the name of God, The Merciful,…

Help feed those in Medway

Help feed those in Medway, Sittingbourne, Sheerness and Maidstone. We need extra volunteers to help deliver food to homeless shelters…

Concrete Pillars being formed at new Mosque

New Masjid Development UpdateWork is continuing at the new Masjid site to construct the framework of the building from the…

Donate towards our new Masjid now!