Board of Trustees election results 2023 Summary

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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wo barakatuhu.

The KMWA BoT election took place today and results have been confirmed.

There were a total of 41 voters and 156 votes cast.

The four candidates elected were Brothers:

Basir Ahmed 32 votes.

Waseem Mirza 30 votes.

Agha Naeem Ahmed Khan 30 votes.

Majid Arshad 28 votes.

Congratulations to these 4 Brothers and commiserations to the unsuccessful candidates.

I would like on behalf of KMWA to thank all those who took part and those who helped things to run smoothly.

Special thanks go to our election commissioners, Brothers Naseem Sheikh and Saeed Khan , who have so professionally carried out their job for over 20 years. May Allah reward them for their dedication and patience and fairness.


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