
Mosque Open Day 2022

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Summer Workshops

KMWA kids group joined the Gillingham Scouts and Explorers for an Event at Grange Farm

A day of activities and adventure was organised today as the KMWA kids group joined the Gillingham Scouts and explorers…

KMWA Sisters Events

Salaat ul Eid Announcement for Gillingham Masjid

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wo barakatuhu. There will be 4 Jamaat for Salaat ul Eid on Saturday 9th July in…

Salaat ul Jummah at Gillingham Masjid during July and August.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wo barakatuhu. We have decided to hold 2 Jamaat for Salaat -ul- Jummah from Friday 8th…

Get into Golf with Muslim Golf Association

As soon as the opportunity arose; I and two other friends decided to take up golf to beat the boredom…

Sisters’ Halaqah

Sisters’ Coffee Morning

Sisters’ Picnic in The Park

Donate towards our new Masjid now!