Fundraising Progress

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As of December 2021, we had 87 standing orders of the target of 1000. This is a great baseline to start with, if you haven’t setup a standing order, please use the form on the last page.

Our aim at ARK is to increase this total tenfold, which means that the standing orders will need to increase.

We need people that are not just willing to give once, but month in month out until the project is completed. Faithfully fighting to build the new mosque and the services it will provide.

We subscribe to things every month, streaming services, magazines, internet, movies and music. We are loyal to these things because they benefit our lives. The new mosque, that KMWA is building, benefits the entire lives of our community.

It only takes everyone one to give £25 every month, some of you can give that, some of you can give more and some of you less. Everything you give will go to building the mosque.

Until the day we can finally say the mosque has been finished.

If you can afford just £25 per month.

Read the full article in KMWALTR #003


Donate towards our new Masjid now!