General Secretary Update

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

We have had a busy month where we have hosted Kuwati embassy officials, reached out to the community, helped organise a careers event, continued with our usual and volunteer services. Been part of the film ‘We are Med¬way’ showcased in Rochester. Started preparing the New Masjid site for ground works in preparation for building the framework as well as dealing with unexpected storm damage.

We are gearing up for Ramadan and our target is to raise £100,000.00 during this month to take us a step closer to raising enough money to start the next phase of building.

Many people do not realise the extent of the building work carried out so far.

Our aim is to encourage and motivate people by arranging guided tours of the New Masjid site between 10.00am and 12.00pm every Friday in Ramadan. This will give an idea as to what the scale of the building will be. We hope that people will be motivated and encouraged by this.

May Allah guide us and have mercy on us.

Azeem Nader
General Secretary KMWA.

This update was originally featured in KMWALTR #004


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