KMWA Elections and AGM

Notice for elections and AGM.

Elections will take place on Sunday 30th June between 12pm and 3pm in shah Allah.

Election nomination forms are available from the Trustees and online.

There will be 4 Trustee positions for nomination/ election.
Should there be 4 or less contestants, there will be no election.
The election nomination forms must be properly filled in and you must have been a member of KMWA for 1 year to contest a position.

The completed election nomination forms should be posted in the box which is normally opened after Salaat ul Maghrib on the Friday 28th June just before the elections (held on the Sunday).
The latest you may hand an election nomination form in will be at Salaat ul Asr on Friday 28th June.

After the elections will be the AGM at 4pm in shah Allah.

Please submit any items / resolutions to the General Secretary before Sunday 23rd June.

These may only be submitted by members.

General Secretary.