Author: kmwa

Standing Order Campaign

The current climate of the last two years has proved that we need a bigger and better Masjid that better serves the community, in both good times and bad. A place to pray, laugh, seek advice and comfort in trying times.

The current Masjid generates a lot of its funds for the year and for the new Masjid, via attendance. This has been greatly diminished for the last two years.

With changing times KMWA has to adapt to raise funds differently, part of this is the need to ask our community to donate a small amount on a regular basis, so that KMWA can continue raising funds even if people cannot attend the Masjid.

The first of the many planned initiatives is the Standing Order Campaign. Alhamdulillah we are an ever-growing community and as such we are now asking all adult members (male and female) to donate a minimum of £3.50 a week or £15 a month via standing order. If you are able to donate more per month, we encourage you to do so.

While this is a small amount and only equates to the cost of one item of indulgence a week, if all the members donate as a community, as one group, we can achieve greatness.

For example, if we had 3000 people giving £5 a week, that would equate to £780k per year and we can use gift aid to increase that by 20%, which in turn would mean that we could build our Masjid in 3-4 years.

Read the full article in KMWALTR #001

Why did we call it PROJECT ARK?

When we first started talking about fundraising and the new mosque, the story that came to mind was the story of Nuh AS – which has so many applicable messages to our project.

The prophet Nuh (known as Noah in English) is an important character in Islamic tradition.

Nuh was called as a Prophet to his people, sharing the universal message of Tawhid: believe in One True God (Allah), and follow the guidance He has given. Nuh preached this message patiently and kindly for many, many years. Nuh’s only concern, however, was to help the people and fulfil his responsibility, and so he persevered.

The Ark was a huge ship with no precedence. Nuh, Working and the few believers with him diligently over a great period of time, constructed a huge vessel, very probably unlike anything ever built before or since. Allah alone knows the truth about the magnitude of such a vessel. which he completed despite great difficulty.

People doubted him, said it couldn’t be built and didn’t get much help from his non Muslim community

We need to look to our own community to help build this New Mosque.

Read the full article in KMWALTR #001

Indonesia has declared Bitcoin haram

You must already be aware that cryptocurrency is a digital currency used to buy services and goods digitally. It uses an online ledger that has strong cryptography to keep online transactions secured. Many countries have made it official to do business in cryptocurrency. However, some countries have completely banned the use of Bitcoin and its likes.

Muslim countries, particularly, have reservations about using cryptocurrency. That is why the countries with reservations against this mode of payment have the Islamic countries at the top of the list.

Indonesia has banned the use of cryptocurrency on a state level with a fatwa. It was deemed forbidden by the ‘’National Ulema Council” MUI because a level of uncertainty, harm, and wagering can happen by its use.

However, there is an exception in the rule against cryptocurrency introduced on 11th November 2021 by Asrorun Niam Sholeh. He said that if the currency is used for digital assets and as a commodity for the benefit that abides by Sharia laws, then it can be used for trading. The MUI holds the most weight in the country for the World’s largest Muslim population. Their hold is so widespread that even the finance minister consults them on Islamic finance issues.

Read the full article in KMWALTR #001