Q What is your favourite story from the Quran?
Although the story of Yusuf (as ) is often described as rhetoric mist beautiful of stories. There are many facets to the story of Ibrahim (as). I have enjoyed covering the story in our Arabic classes and it often shows such a profound reliance on Allah over adversity – from the time that his people were to throw him in the fire, to the time Hajar and Ismail were taken to the desert, to the time he was asked to sacrifice his own son.
Q What is your role as a trustee?
I am General Secretary of KMWA
Q What have you been most passionate about within KMWA?
Expanding the existing Masjid to the conservatory extension, representing the community through local and national media and robustly defending them, instrumental in new Masjid land bid and purchase, improved engagement with local and statutory bodies including Islamic awareness training and Islamic awareness weeks, visit my Mosque open day and taste Ramadan. Appointment of an English speaking Imam – 10 years ago. Facilitating youth groups, women’s groups to operate more freely .Help expand the operating group of people within KMWA.
Help found the volunteers group.
Q What is your 5 year Vision for the Gillingham community?
Find the answer to this question and more in the full article in KMWALTR #003