Membership Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

1) The requirement for membership of KMWA is set out in clause 3.1 of the
constitution which states: ” Any adult person (above the age of 16) and any
organization who/which believes in schedules 1.1 and 1.2 and accepts the
Constitution 2000 shall, on approval of his/its application by the BoT shall acquire
any one of the following memberships.”

2) In considering the application the BoT rely on applicants to self-certify that they
belong to the Muslim faith and in this respect, comply with the above criteria.

3) When a duly completed membership application is received, it is put on the
agenda of the next BoT meeting for approval.

4) When the BoT has approved an application the prospective member is invited to
pay a subscription for the current year.

Subscription rates are subject to annual review at the discretion of the BoT and
may vary according to the geographical area of residence of the applicant.

5) For the purpose of exercising membership rights under clause2.2.1 (h) and 3.1 (f)
and (g) the qualifying date shall be the date of approval by the BoT.

6) All information given on the application form will comply with the data
protection act