Tag: Eid

Eid ul Adha 2023

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

The moon of Zul-hija has been sighted and so Eid will be on:

Wednesday 28th June 2023, InshaAllah.

Further announcements regarding Salaat ul Eid times will follow in shah Allah.

Concrete Poured at New Mosque

Dear respected community members,

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

I am pleased to share the progress made in constructing our new mosque and Islamic community centre. During Eid, 30 trucks of concrete were poured to complete the ground floor, symbolizing the strength of our unity and faith.

We now call upon you to contribute to this great cause and earn the rewards of Sadaqah Jariyah. By donating, you invest in our spiritual well-being and support future generations. No contribution is too small, as Allah (SWT) values our intentions.

Click here to make a Donation

May Allah bless you and your families for your generosity, making this mosque a source of guidance and reward for all.

There will be 5th Eid Jamaat in Gillingham Mosque at 11am

Dear Gillingham Mosque Community Members,

Peace and blessings be upon you all!

There will be a 5th Eid Jamaat at 11am at Gillingham Mosque.

We hope this message finds you and your families in good health and high spirits during this auspicious occasion of Eid.

We are truly grateful for the overwhelming response and enthusiasm we have received from our community members to attend the Eid prayers at Gillingham Mosque. As a result of the unprecedented numbers arriving for the 10am prayer, we have decided to organize an additional 5th Eid Jamaat at 11am to accommodate everyone comfortably and safely.

Eid ul Fitr will be on Friday 21st April

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wo barakatuhu.

The blessed month of Ramadan has swiftly passed, leaving behind cherished memories and spiritual growth. As we bid farewell with a heavy heart, we also embrace the joy and festivity of Eid, celebrating the unity and blessings it brings.

There will be four Jamaat in Gillingham Masjid.
7am, 8am, 9am, 10am

It is anticipated that a short Bayaan will take place beforehand, and then the Salaat at the above times followed by the Khutba.

The Masjid will be very busy so please help us by arriving in good time and assisting with making space for as many worshippers as possible.

There is only limited space for ladies in each Jamaat and so again arrive on time to avoid disappointment.

Please park sensibly and allow plenty of time for finding a space. Do not block residents in their driveways and bear in mind that the traffic wardens will be out in force.