Tag: new masjid

General Secretary Update

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wo barakatuhu.

As the Government COVID guidelines are changing it feels as though we are moving towards more normal times.

With a busy period fast approaching, we are looking ahead to our Ramadan arrangements for April Inshah Allah.

This is a time where we rely on heavier fund raising for the new Masjid and we will ask our Community to once again dig deep whilst we try to push forward with the development.

I want to take this opportunity to say that the Community has given a lot and will continue to give and may Allah subhana wa ta’ala open up our generosity, but ultimately we are using the opportunity given by Allah subhana wa ta’ala to provide for ourselves for now and the hereafter.

Consider the endless rewards of Sadaqah Jaria and how this is multiplied by giving in Ramadan.

Read the full article in KMWALTR #003

Visit the New Masjid Site in Ramadaan

We are happy to announce that tours in Ramadaan of the New Masjid site will take place from:

10am – 12 noon on Fridays in Ramadaan in shah Allah.

If there is enough demand we can organise more visits in shah Allah.
The address for the New Masjid is:

71 Railway Street,

Please note that this is a construction site at the moment – Please do not think that we have already relocated to the above address.

As previously stated the normal Ramadaan activities – All 5 daily prayers, Sehri, Iftaar, Taraweh etc… will be carried out at Gillingham Masjid – 114 Canterbury Street – as per previous years. The Masjid will be open to both men and Women in shah Allah to carry out their Ibaadat should they wish to use it.

Ask the Trustees

Question: Who is the developer managing the construction of the masjid?

The trustees are in consultation with our architect Umair Waheed – Atelier Architects.
Our technical team: Faheem Anwar (Chartered Building Surveyor), Gulam Nadat(QS), Shahid Khan (Structural Engineer).
Principal contractor : Ruprai Construction Limited.

Question: Has the new mosque ground floor been completed? If so, what would be the chance of moving into the new mosque?

The ground floor slab has been completed but in order to provide a functional masjid the whole framework of the building has to be constructed including all of the floors and the roof and the windows. For this we will need to raise over £1.5 million.

Question: How will it serve women better?

There will be dedicated prayer space for women which will more than meet their present, as well as future needs. They will have improved and dedicated ablution facilities and there will be space for women to meet and hold functions. There will be a rooftop garden in the ladies section. There will be a library whereby ladies’ will have access. The ground floor will house creche / nursery facilities.

The improved classroom facilities will benefit both children and adults, male and female.
There is potential for ladies to use the cafe to meet each other and in shah Allah we would like to offer gym facilities whereby ladies could have dedicated periods of usage if the demand is high enough.

Read the full article in KMWALTR #002