We share our heartfelt shock and sadness at the attack in Southport this week where 3 innocent children had their life senselessly taken away, and many other adults and children were injured and traumatised. We grieve with the families and friends and of all of those people affected.
Who can not be affected by such a terrible tragedy?
Our support, condolences, and thoughts are for the victims and their families and for the community.
It is sad to see that at a time when groups should be coming together to support the victims, far right groups have attempted to exploit the tradegy to further their prejudicial aims.
This tradegy should not lead to further tradegy due to misinformation and the eagerness to quickly jump to false conclusions.
There is a public responsibility not to utilise such events to fan the flames of predjudice and violence.
The public have been let down by a liberal attitude to far right misinformation and fake news, and decades of various governments failures to address the growing problems of mental health (especially for those individuals with a history or risk of violence) in the community since the introduction of care in the Community as a policy of the Margaret Thatcher government in the 1980s.
We stand against violence, and we stand for community safety and welfare and the protection of vulnerable people young or old.
Tag: kmwa
What is purpose of KMWA?
The day to day running of the Masjid.
Appointing and managing staff.
It is our responsibility to be fair and to uphold the conduct and behaviour which is expected and not to engage in activity which places the Organisation into dispute.
Ensure the performance of 5 daily Salaat in congregation and strive towards increasing the number of Muslims in congregation.
Give priority to the maintenance of the Masjid building as well as its
associated facilities.
Ensure the Masjid is clean and safe with adequate Wudu facilities.
Safeguard the income and property of the Masjid, meeting the necessary expenses and avoiding unnecessary expenditure.
Keep proper records of income and expenditure.
To advance the education of the community, especially the children and youth.
To provide facilities and activities in the interests of social welfare, community engagement, and community development and education.
To liaise with non-Muslims to promote and propagate the Islamic faith and to provide a role model for the community.
To promote charitable activity in our sphere of influence for the benefit of our neighbours and the community at large.
Current Mosque Constraints Shown By Drone Photo
Overhead drone video shows narrow building with lack of space surrounded by houses, railway and roads.

Please Click Here to Donate Towards the New Mosque Construction Project.