Masjid is Open for Salah Now from (2020-07-13)

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wo barakatuhu.
By the grace of Allah subhana wa ta’ala we will be opening Gillingham Masjid for 5 daily Salaat from Monday.
Alot of effort has gone into planning and preparing the Masjid.
A pre – registration system is required in order to log all attendees. This is a legal requirement – the form will be posted in shah Allah – please print and fill the details and hand to the volunteers to save time and delays.
The Masjid will open 15 minutes before the Fard Salaat – there will not be time for Sunnah or Nawafal Salaat – this should be carried out at home before coming to the Masjid.
There are some other limitations – they are:
1) A maximum of 25 people at any one time.
2) You must bring the following:

If you don’t bring these items you will not be allowed entry.
3) DO NOT come if:
You are over 65.
You are under 16.
You have heart or cardiovascular problems.
You have respiratory, chest or lung problems.
You have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
You work in a high risk environment (e.g. Doctor or nurse in intensive or critical care; Care home workers,
You have had any infectious symptoms or signs in the last 14 days- raised temperature or fever, cough, headaches, altered taste sensation or smell, stomach problems, sneezing, cold symptoms.
You live with anyone who has had any of these problems in the last 14 days.
We do not have capacity for ladies at this time – only the main Prayer Hall can be accessed.
4) Wudu areas, toilets, shoe racks, and coat hanger racks will not be in use.
5) Entrance will be the side door (ladies entrance) via the alleyway.
Your details MUST be recorded for track and trace purposes. If you develop any symptoms – it is your duty to inform us so that we can carry out our due diligence.
6) Exit will be through the front door. This will be locked until after Salaat.
Please use hand sanitizer as directed at entrance and exit.
7) Do your Wudu and Sunnah and Nawafal prayers at home. There will not be time to do this in the Masjid.
8) After Fard Salaat and Dua – you will be asked to leave in a prompt and orderly fashion. Please follow the instructions you are given on the day as to where to sit and when to leave.
9) Please cooperate fully with all volunteers and Trustees present.
10) FRIDAY PRAYERS- a pre booking system will be in operation due to the limited numbers and increased demand. Please book by phone – booking times and contacts – Wednesday 2pm – 4pm Brother Inam. Thursday 2pm – 4pm Imam Zahoor Ahmed. Please do not call them outside of these times – they will only take your bookings at these times. Once a limit has been reached they will put you on a list for the next week if you wish. You may not get a slot every week in order to make it fair.
It is our duty to do things safely and carefully. It is your duty to respect the safety of other people coming to the Masjid as well as your own. There is no point coming to the Masjid for Salaat and the reward of Allah subhana wa ta’ala if you disrespect the above rules which are in place for the safety and protection of people.
If we have problems with this we will reconsider keeping the Masjid open so please do not spoil the opportunity and be respectful of the new rules at all times.
We are very sorry to those people who cannot attend at the moment –
May Allah reward you for your patience.
Of course we will be looking at the situation on a regular basis and if we are able to relax the criteria then we will do so.

Eid Mubarak!

Eid al Fitr is on Sunday 24 May 2020

This has been an unprecedented Ramadan, with all mosques closed throughout the month of fasting. May Allah forgive us and grant us a great reward, may He keep us safe and healthy, and may He enable us to return to our mosques soon.

Don’t forget to give Zakat al-Fitr, at least £3 per person for everyone in the family.

Ruling on praying Eid Salah in ones home:
Urdu by Molana Zahoor sahib
English by Molana Irfan

Click here to find out more about celebrating Eid under lockdown