Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wo barakatuhu.
The blessed month of Ramadan has swiftly passed, leaving behind cherished memories and spiritual growth. As we bid farewell with a heavy heart, we also embrace the joy and festivity of Eid, celebrating the unity and blessings it brings.

There will be four Jamaat in Gillingham Masjid.
7am, 8am, 9am, 10am
It is anticipated that a short Bayaan will take place beforehand, and then the Salaat at the above times followed by the Khutba.
The Masjid will be very busy so please help us by arriving in good time and assisting with making space for as many worshippers as possible.
There is only limited space for ladies in each Jamaat and so again arrive on time to avoid disappointment.
Please park sensibly and allow plenty of time for finding a space. Do not block residents in their driveways and bear in mind that the traffic wardens will be out in force.