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Tag: ARK

Ask the Trustees

Question: Who is the developer managing the construction of the masjid?

The trustees are in consultation with our architect Umair Waheed – Atelier Architects.
Our technical team: Faheem Anwar (Chartered Building Surveyor), Gulam Nadat(QS), Shahid Khan (Structural Engineer).
Principal contractor : Ruprai Construction Limited.

Question: Has the new mosque ground floor been completed? If so, what would be the chance of moving into the new mosque?

The ground floor slab has been completed but in order to provide a functional masjid the whole framework of the building has to be constructed including all of the floors and the roof and the windows. For this we will need to raise over £1.5 million.

Question: How will it serve women better?

There will be dedicated prayer space for women which will more than meet their present, as well as future needs. They will have improved and dedicated ablution facilities and there will be space for women to meet and hold functions. There will be a rooftop garden in the ladies section. There will be a library whereby ladies’ will have access. The ground floor will house creche / nursery facilities.

The improved classroom facilities will benefit both children and adults, male and female.
There is potential for ladies to use the cafe to meet each other and in shah Allah we would like to offer gym facilities whereby ladies could have dedicated periods of usage if the demand is high enough.

Read the full article in KMWALTR #002

ARK answers your questions

How many additional Standing Orders achieved since the launch of the campaign?

We launched the Standing Order Campaign at the beginning of November 2021. We are in the process of developing a format in which to present the progress of the fundraising to publish in this newsletter.

How are you going to be inclusive of all races?

As Ark’s continuous organisational objective, inclusivity, is at the forefront of organizational discussions.

Ark is trying to understand the lived experiences of marginalized groups and developing activities to produce robust systematic change.

Robust diversity and inclusion organisational objectives, must be leadership-led. They must form part of the operational, as well as systemically focused functions of ARK

We are looking for a diverse team, if you want your voice to be heard and you feel you are under-represented, please get in touch, and climb on the Ark

How can we empower the younger generation to be proud of their religion. How can we put the love of Islam in their hearts?

This question isn’t an immediate objective of Ark our main focus is to fund raise at this stage.

This question can be directed to KMWA who can answer this in more depth.

Read the full article in KMWALTR #002

Climb aboard the ARK

Our intention is to create a modern vibrant community, a genuine and attractive alternative to the distractions of Netflix, YouTube and TikTok. Not only for us but for our children too.

We want to be able to dictate the narrative that is given to our children, have a learning and social experience that is far superior to what society and its friends currently offer them. We want to create an Islamic culture that is an easy choice for us, our children and the non-Muslims that want to know more about us.

We want you if you are passionate about making the community flourish, bringing your skills, your energy and your creativity to Medway. There is so much low-hanging fruit in which you can make a real difference and your efforts can become an ongoing reward for you.

Our near-term goals are to make the newsletter successful, consistent and maintainable.

We need people who can contribute to this newsletter.

Ark are also planning larger scale projects to help raise funds for the new mosque. So your skills in project management and entrepreneurship would be valuable.

We want to utilise technology to the maximum, so any social media savvy people, we even have NFT ideas bubbling away.

So in three simple words
We Want You!

Read the full article and find contact details in KMWALTR #001


The current climate of the last two years has proved that we need a bigger and better Masjid that better serves the community, in both good times and bad. A place to pray, laugh, seek advice, and comfort in trying times.

The New Medway Jamia Masjid is at a critical stage- the foundations, basement, and ground floor slab structure have been completed and we now need to build upwards. The KMWA and amazing community has brought us to this stage. However, at the current rate of money generation, it would take 20 years to complete the Masjid.

The current Masjid generates a lot of its funds for the year and for the new Masjid, via attendance. This has been greatly diminished for the last two years. The pandemic has decimated our community presence and with it the fundraising. Rather than just give up, we have taken this as a test from above of our resolve.

As such, KMWA are very excited to announce the start of The ARK Project @KMWA, which will help raise money and support the building of the new Masjid.

Read the full article in KMWALTR #001